Friday, June 11, 2010

Knit Your Bit: a comment on knitting's sweet rewards.

Back to an old question; what, exactly, is the perceived end goal when I start a new knitting project? 

Pre-project: More than once I have purchased a book or single pattern for want of the perfect life (don't you love that commercial photography!!), or at least perfect bind-off and cast off. At that moment, I always have really meant to make the item, or at least something similar. I think something along the lines of, "I'll really need some cute buttons; I'll get these ... only $0.50 a piece." My $3.00 is still sitting in the bottom of the knitting bin, only it ain't in the form of liquid cash. If you are anything like me, around your house is a pile of money, or maybe three, that is masquerading as unused (or un-usable) craft supplies. 
Pre-cast on: At this moment, I am now thinking, "Which of the 10 projects I meant to start this year will I start now?"Hmm. Who'll win? Will it be the portable scarf or the cabled item that will require more concentration than cross-stitch? Looking into my yarn stash I remember that I bought each skein for a reason. How they assemble into projects is a mystery. All I know is that there was a plan when I adopted every last skein. 
Cast-on: ... here come the visions of grandeur. Let the showing off begin. "I am making a A." What wonderful yarn. "They sell it at B; here is its ingredient list." "I'll be done by the end of the month; what, oh what, will I do when I complete this beautiful piece?" I haven't figured that out for myself, but I have resolved to knit down my yarn stash. 

And then there is the next question: What to do with the end products? Are they for sale; are they for show? Does that effect my initiative and process-based focus? I hope not, and so does my imagined future self, the quietly cool Buddha-like craft show diva. 

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